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The Meaning of Mother’s Day

Writer's picture: Majestic ZenMajestic Zen

Each year we celebrate a holiday to express our love, devotion, and respect for this person who cared and nurtured us from the moment we took our first breath. We offer them flowers, take them to their favorite restaurants, or buy them the fluffiest cake at the bakeshops. But do we ever stop and wonder why we celebrate this special day? Why do we put so much effort into preparing for this day to see the delight in our mother’s eyes? Can you give a quick and authentic response if someone asks you, What is the meaning of Mother’s Day? If not, get yourself a cup of your favorite brew, and together let us take a trip down memory lane to see if we can answer the question.


When you think about this phrase, you will probably remember that cute kid with braces, sitting in the front row of your Art class back in first grade. But for mothers, they will remember tiny fingers and toes, chubby cheeks, bald heads, and high-pitched cries! Yes, you are your mother’s first love! They loved you even before they could touch you. When a mother falls in love with their child, they are ultimately hooked for the rest of their life. Mothers will stop at nothing to prove their selfless and unconditional love. After all, you alone have heard their heart beating from the inside.


We can’t deny that being a mom is a hard job. Every day, tough decisions are made. From choosing what food to give to picky eaters to selecting what bedtime story to tell, even though they always end up reading the same one for the past two weeks. We know what you’re thinking, those don’t seem hard at all! But when you are faced with a screaming toddler just because you bought the wrong juice box, you will understand why moms are very detail-oriented. It’s not easy to balance the thought of wanting to be your best friend and acting like a boss at the same time. If keeping you safe and alive will make you hate them for a short period, they’ll take that any day.


Moms sacrifice a lot when it comes to their children. They set aside their wants, hobbies, and sometimes even their careers! It is not a surprise if they know your fears and even your silent cries. It’s almost impossible to keep secrets from them. You have to get used to the idea that moms not only know best, but they also know everything about you. When you keep things to yourself, they can see your emotions through your eyes. You may not know it, but your first heartbreak secretly made your mom cry. She even wished so hard for your pain to go away. Now tell me, do you think you’ll ever find such a person in your lifetime?


You! You're the meaning of Mother’s Day! We celebrate Mother’s Day because you exist and give them a purpose. Your existence has turned an ordinary woman into someone resilient, a role model, and someone who loves to a fault! They become the best version of themselves, all thanks to you! The strongest bonds will always be between a mother and her child. Having you makes them want to take on the world and give you the best life possible! You are their number one fan, and there is nothing you can do to make them love you any less.

This Mother’s Day, drop everything and spend some quality time with them. Surprise them with flowers and maybe a set of candles to thank them for being the light of your life! Moms deserve to know that.

We may toast differently to celebrate this occasion, but there is one thing we all have in common and that is to make our moms happy! Let them know that you are capable of great things because you were raised by a superhero. Not all superheroes wear capes! Sometimes they wear aprons while cooking a gourmet meal in the kitchen.



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